Works like a charm for managers, execs, and HR

With remote, asynchronous, hybrid workplaces, managing a team is more challenging than ever.

Great opportunity awaits managers and companies who thrive in this new era.

Old processes and tools can’t get you there.

Remote, asynchronous, hybrid workplaces. Managing a team is more challenging than ever.

Great opportunity awaits managers and companies who thrive in this new era.

Old processes and tools can’t get you there.

Charma makes it easier to manage.

People managers become the leaders their teams need.

Open a toolkit of best practices for people management Take back the mental overhead of tacking together processes. Spend more time connecting with teammates.
  • Trade dusty docs for tools and templates based on best practices
  • One-on-one's, goals, feedback, and 360 reviews, all in one place
  • Shift from disorganized and reactive to organized and proactive

Executives make people management a core competency.

Great management makes high performance possible. It’s not often mentioned in the same air as product innovation, business strategy, or operational efficiency, but people management is as important to organizational performance, if not more so.
  • Reduce uncertainty with an always up to date view of progress toward goals
  • Transform wasted time into productive meetings and higher performance
  • Let go of chaos and lay a foundation that supports growth and maturity

HR teams protect culture and reduce turnover.

In 2019, Gallup found that only 34% of employees consider themselves “engaged.”
Turn the tide of your culture toward professional fulfillment and well-being. Reduce turnover, morale drain, and the expense that comes with them.
  • End the dread of reviews with a simple, platform-powered process
  • Create well-being for teams by helping managers develop their craft
  • See engagement analytics while keeping workspaces confidential

Create a culture of continuous improvement.

Managers and teams are the atomic unit of every organization. With a process for management that everyone trusts, managers and teams develop and strengthen the relationships that drive continual improvement and organizational performance.

Quickly become the manager you always wished you had.